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multilevel factory. During the tour I catch Kevlar giving me a sad look, like he's got a lot of pity for me. Makes me nervous. Finally I ask, "What's up? You've been giving me the weirdest look. You checking me out or something?" "Yeah, you're a total stud, Mouse. I can hardly control myself." He laughs. I smile back, but looking at the curves of his avatar's female body, I can't decide if he's serious. "Don't flatter yourself," Kevlar says. "I was just thinking about what you said, man. About Morningstar. About how you're going to get away from him." I turn back to closely examine the chemical code-writing feature Kevlar was showing me. "What about it? After this thing with the Inquisitor is over, I'm gone." "Yeah, okay." Kevlar sounds so unconvinced, it's easy to guess what he's thinking. "You figure I'm fooling myself." "The guy is the Dark Prince." I laugh. "Yeah. But, Emmaline's the one that banged me up." "Well," Kevlar says. "I'm not saying you shouldn't be scared of her. She's the Antichrist." I start to laugh, but Kevlar doesn't join me. "What, you're not serious, are you?" "Dude, you help her rein in her Page program, and it's, like, Rapture time." I blank out the machine's interface. The image of the factory-industrial-gray walls melt into white space. "Rapture." Kevlar nods. "Rapture. Tribulation. Apocalypse." "First of all, Kevlar, my man, you have got to stop with the heavy drug use. You're seriously whacked. Second, I'm a Muslim. That's not how it's going to work for me." Page 90 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html Kevlar looks hurt. "Fine. But don't tell me later that I didn't try to warn you." "Okay," I say, reinitiating the interface. "Thanks for the heads-up, crazy man." Pain brings me up out of the sequencer. With every breath I feel like I'm being stabbed with a hot poker. I can't concentrate and have to disable my connection. Someone has turned on a desk lamp, and I squint. My eyes water; I'm coming down. Beside me Kevlar removes his connection and gets up to go looking for a hit of another kind. I try not to look interested as he hunts through the trash in his apartment for his next hit. Breathing is painful, but I'd rather hurt than be hooked. Emmaline meanwhile is taking up valuable bed space, passed out again. Morningstar sits at the edge of the rumpled covers like a faithful watchdog. His hand strokes the leather of her boot. Looking at Morningstar's attentive form bowed toward her, I try to see Kevlar's devil in him. It's not as hard as I'd like. My guts have been in a knot since I first saw those two together. Every part of me has been screaming, Run. True, I'm not usually the sort to go in for any kind of supernatural mumbo-jumbo. But then, I'm also used to being able to trust my intuition. If I'd done that at the start, I wouldn't be sitting here now looking at a man and seeing the devil. Out of the corner of my eye I sense the black angel again. I turn to try to get a better look, and only shadows cast by a radiator, cobwebs, and rain greet me. Morningstar looks up. Amber, like fire, like a snake's eyes, reflects in his chestnut-brown eyes. "Hey, Prince of Darkness. You want to order some takeaway or something? I'm starving." "You go ahead," he says, returning his attention to the Inquisitor. "I'm good." "You're good," I say. "Huh. Yeah. That's kind of ironic, eh?" When he looks back at me again, I find my mouth continuing without the go-ahead from my brain: "I mean, you. Good. Kind of funny, don't you think?" Finally I'm able to stop talking. Morningstar trains a wickedly arched eyebrow on me, but otherwise only looks at me like he wonders what the point of that diatribe was. So do I. I guess I'm still hoping he'll deny it, ask me what the hell I'm talking about, why I called him the Prince of Darkness. Instead he drops the eyebrow and gives me a kind of sad look. "I'm sorry about the drugs," he says. "Emmaline only meant to push you. The AI took over her motor controls. We couldn't take you to the hospital, you understand." "Yeah, I guess not," I say. I look away from him, not knowing what to do with the devil's sympathy. I stare, instead, at the ratty blanket covering the window. "I take it the Gnostics are wrong. You're not the god of the creation." "No, definitely not." "Great." I say, "That's just fucking great."
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