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room to stand beside her. And how would you get there? Steal a skimmer, one of those boats out on the river, a horse& I don t know. Burash pressed the milky square so that the door slid up and the fresh cool air flowed in. All this is froth, worth as much as those dew drops sublimating into the sun. He turned her around and made her look into the garden. Well? Her shoulders moved impatiently under his arm. Mutely she stared past the greenery at the massive granite blocks of the wall that made the garden a prison in spite of its beauty. After a while she sighed. So. Back to the tedious sly maneuvering. Belit Damiktana. The nervous shrilling of the guard sounded through the tapestry. Pah. Aleytys stepped backward, bumping against Burash s solid chest. As he moved his arm and turned away she strode past him and climbed into the chair at the foot of the bed. All right, naram. On your head. Send that shiver-shanks in. Burash held the tapestry aside while the guard sidled reluctantly inside. She halted before the chair with a double nayid arm-span between her and Aleytys, a blue-green robe folded stiffly over her arm. Belit Damiktana, she said hoarsely, then stopped to clear her throat as unobtrusively as she could. The kipu thanks you. She requests you consider this robe. Moving awkwardly she unfolded the garment and held it out so that it fell in graceful folds from the points she grasped between thumb and forefinger, the other fingers lying curled stiffly against her palm. The robe s basic color was the queen s blue-green, several shades darker. Tongues of fire were embroidered around the hem in a brilliant red that went leaping up the left side nearly to the shoulder. Aleytys stifled her leap of pleasure at the sight of the lovely garment and waved a languid hand at the guard. Give it to the migru. Keeping as far from Aleytys as she could, the guard handed the robe to Burash and edged back. Inform the kipu that the robe is acceptable. Aleytys tapped her forefingers lightly on the wood of the chair arm. She is to come for me in thirty minutes. She stared haughtily at the guard. Well, do I have to escort you to her myself? Page 69 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html Pardon, Damiktana. The guard gulped. Hastily she backed out, her antennas semaphoring her agitation while her mind radiated her barely controlled mélange of hatred and fear. Aleytys hopped out of the chair and ran to Burash, cooing over the exquisite robe. With his help she pulled it over her head and fastened the ties. She looked down at herself and smiled with delight. It s almost worth it. She laughed and danced around the room, the full skirt ballooning out from her body. In the bathroom, she brushed her hair smooth and posed in front of the mirror, turning this way and that, immensely pleased with herself, forgetting for the moment the purpose of the thing that charmed her. Burash pushed the tapestry aside and laughed when he saw her. Flying high, he said. Up and down again. Leyta, Leyta. She flashed a grin at him, but the elation drained swiftly out of her. Sighing, she let the wings of the robe fall, smoothed her hair back from her face and walked back into the bedroom with Burash trailing behind her. She settled herself in the chair to wait for the arrival of the kipu. One more month, she said, then glanced at Burash. Something strikes me as curious. That guard. She was blasting out fear and fidgetiness and antipathy, as if she were terrified of me and hating me at the same time. Why? The old one. Burash leaned against the back of the chair and ran his fingers over her hair. And I think she s one of Gapp s, Leyta& . Hm? She rubbed her head dreamily against his hand, a sudden warmth in her belly, her nipples hardening. You asked me once why I came to you that first morning. You said& I know. His hand slid down and curved around her neck. I know. After I saw you, talked to you, after& I couldn t& Though he stopped talking, the tips of his fingers kept rubbing up and down on her neck; he was troubled with a complex of emotions Aleytys found disturbing and confusing, chilling her. She leaned back and stared into his abstracted face. His hand stopped moving. I came intending to kill you, Leyta. Take your neck in my hands and squeeze until the life went out of you. Rid this world of that curse. She poisoned life here too many, many years. I couldn t do it. His voice broke and she felt anger and pain dominate him. If you d been different? I don t know. If I could kill the thing in you without& I can t. He pulled away from her and ran from the room. Aleytys slid out of the chair and started after him. Burash minaram, wait& The door to the lift slid back and the kipu stepped out. Immediately Aleytys straightened, stiffened the mask on her face, cursing the inopportune arrival of the nayid. As the kipu moved aside to let the honor guard file out, Aleytys straightened her back and stepped daintily to her place a half step in front of the kipu. Simmering with impotent anger she fought for control as she silently tripped along beside the lanky insufferably complacent kipu, the guard clicking snap-snap-clank with military regularity behind them. Good girl, Leyta. Page 70
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Długi język ma krótkie nogi. Krzysztof Mętrak Historia kroczy dziwnymi grogami. Grecy uczyli się od Trojan, uciekinierzy z Troi założyli Rzym, a Rzymianie podbili Grecję, po to jednak, by przejąć jej kulturę. Erik Durschmied A cruce salus - z krzyża (pochodzi) zbawienie. A ten zwycięzcą, kto drugim da / Najwięcej światła od siebie! Adam Asnyk, Dzisiejszym idealistom Ja błędy popełniam nieustannie, ale uważam, że to jest nieuniknione i nie ma co się wobec tego napinać i kontrolować, bo przestanę być normalnym człowiekiem i ze spontanicznej osoby zmienię się w poprawną nauczycielkę. Jeżeli mam uczyć dalej, to pod warunkiem, że będę sobą, ze swoimi wszystkimi głupotami i mądrościami, wadami i zaletami. s. 87 Zofia Kucówna - Zdarzenia potoczne |