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Zhou nodded in response to Aden’s glare over Gallen’s shoulder. “I’ll see you in the
morning, your majesty.”
“Just Aden will do. Good night, Zhou.”
“Good night.”
Aden headed to the bathroom for a quick shower before bed. Maybe if he hurried, he
could be naked and waiting when his mate returned.
Chapter Six
Jiang woke in slow increments. Blinking, he gasped for air as he realized he could
Where am I?
“Whoa easy, hon.” A soft tenor whispered in his ear. “You’re fine. You’re human. See,
Jiang followed the voice’s direction and saw he was made of skin, not stone. Still
drugged from sleep he tried to gather his thoughts. He turned to face the person beside
“Wow, you’re gorgeous,” he blurted out. Damn, he hadn’t meant to say that. The
amusement in his bed companion’s eyes told him he didn’t mind.
“I’m glad you think so.” A blinding smile followed those words. The gorgeous blond
brushed their lips together.
Jiang grabbed the human and rolled them until he lay on top of the
determined to keep him there.
“Hey, it’s all right. Do you remember yesterday?”
slim man,
Images raced through his mind of turning human, finding the king, chasing phoenixes.
“You’re Kurtis.”
“Yes.” Another smile greeted that pronouncement.
Jiang had other questions, but the hard rod rubbing against him made all the
comments and queries moot. He didn’t need to figure out everything right at that
moment especially when the hot man beneath him had needs. Wrapping his fist around
both their erections, he squeezed.
“Oh, god. Do that again.”
Jiang grinned. “I’ll do a lot more if you’d like.” He thought for a moment. “Lube. You
said I need lube.”
“Always.” Kurtis nodded, his eyes serious. “You always need lube.”
Jiang grabbed the familiar bottle off Kurtis’ nightstand. “Got it.”
For a moment he froze. He didn’t know the proper etiquette. Was it rude to wet a
finger and shove it inside his lover?
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
Kurtis’ soft hands stroked his face until Jiang gathered enough nerve to voice the
concerns hovering in his mind. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“No worries.” Kurtis kissed Jiang, a quick peck on the mouth, too fast for Jiang to enjoy
the sensation of lips to lips. “I can take care of it. Eventually you’ll be comfortable enough
to prep me.”
“I will.” Jiang smiled at the thought of how much practice he’d need before he could
stretch Kurtis without worrying.
Kurtis grinned. “I can’t wait.”
Throwing back the blankets Kurtis showed Jiang once again how much he liked to be
loosened in order to accept Jiang into his body. Jiang watched with avid interest, making
note of the angle Kurtis used to make those grunts. Oh yes, he’d make sure to yank those
sounds out of his lover soon.
“I’m ready.” Kurtis gasped after several minutes of stretching and spreading lube.
“I’m almost past ready. I don’t know if I can be careful,” Jiang warned.
“I’m stretched well, go for it.”
Kurtis blushed. “I asked Carey last night. We can have sex without one.”
Jiang didn’t know if he appreciated Carey’s help or if he objected to Kurtis believing
their host over him. Watching the expression of lust cross Kurtis’ face he decided he
didn’t care.
Jiang climbed up on his knees. Kurtis rolled over for Jiang to easily enter. He almost
stopped the motion, but he decided to let the pigeon shifter have his way. After all, until
they became used to each other, there was no need to get too creative.
Mindful of his greater strength, Jiang pushed inside in one slow motion.
“Oh! So good.” Kurtis dragged the word out until the ‘o’ sounded twelve syllables
Jiang grinned as he pulled out then slid back in.
“Harder!” Kurtis squeezed around Jiang’s cock.
“Easy. I don’t want to hurt you. You must let me be in charge. I’m the only one who
knows my strength.”
Kurtis whimpered. “Please!”
“I’ll give you what you need. Relax.” He refused to hurt Kurtis. Just the idea he might
injure the beautiful man caused his heart to ache.
“I’ll relax when I come.” Kurtis smacked Jiang’s leg. “Fucking fuck me. Now!”
Jiang’s body shook with laughter. “I am. If you can’t tell then I must be doing
something wrong.” He moved back with even slower motions. How many strokes would
it take to enrage a pigeon shifter?
Unable to take the strain of holding back his own release, Jiang began to make love to
Kurtis with careful force until Kurtis made sounds Jiang had never heard come out of a
lover before.
He hoped they had good insulation and they weren’t waking up anyone else in the
house. For such a slim man, Kurtis was a noisy thing. When Jiang could tell he was about
to come he pressed one hand to the mattress and wrapped the other around Kurtis’ cock.
“Come for me, my sweet bird.”
Kurtis screamed more like a proper dragon roar than a little pigeon. Jiang smiled and
kissed Kurtis’ sweaty back. Kurtis groaned and pushed back at Jiang. Jiang came inside
Kurtis’ tight hole, pleased at the smell of their mingled scents. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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