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payloads must be extended, SONET s poor signal concatenation schemes do not allow for full use of the payload, and the payload s bandwidth slot is left mostly empty. SONET is strictly a transport technology and unaware of payload traffic. It cannot address data transport requirements efficiently. Figure 4-15 depicts a SAN over MAN architecture. This brings us to the WAN s major data transmission technology: ATM. Originally, ATM was considered the end-all solution for build- ing a single topology across all networks. However, its complexity and high cost made it another victim of Ethernet in the LAN, and these same disadvantages could be its downfall in the WAN now that Ethernet has developed a competitive solution for that space. The main arguments for ATM s continued success is its ability to provide true QoS and easy provisioning. In contrast with ATM s abil- Downloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved. Any use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website. Configuring SANs: Dos and Don ts Configuring SANs: Dos and Don'ts 71 ISCSI ISCSI ISCSI Figure 4-15 Extending SANs over MANs IP Switch ISCSI provides a native IP link to IP Metropolitan and Wide Area Switch Networks (MANs/WANs) ISCSI ISCSI ISCSI ISCSI ISCSI ISCSI ISCSI Servers Secondary Data Center ISCSI Storage Network IP ISCSI ISCSI ISCSI MAN/WAN Shared or Dedicated IP Network IP ISCSI Storage Switch Devices ISCSI ISCSI ISCSI IP Switch Primary Data Center ISCSI Storage Network ISCSI ISCSI ISCSI Storage Service Provider ISCSI Storage Network ity to guarantee that certain data will have certain levels of service, Ethernet, at its best, offers CoSs, basically as a best-effort service. ATM s flexible provisioning ensures that customers receive the bandwidths they pay for when they pay for them. The advantages of ATM may be major pluses from a WAN stand- point; they are much less a factor in the LAN. With Ethernet s cheap and easy bandwidth, throwing extra bandwidth at them can solve QoS and provisioning problems. Throwing bandwidth at a problem is just not a traditional WAN way of solving a problem. And when the costs involved in adding extra bandwidth to a traditional WAN sys- tem are considered, this makes perfect sense. However, when your bandwidth prices for 1 Gbps of service are cut from one-fifth to one- tenth of customary levels, the more bandwidth approach looks more reasonable in the WAN. The ability of 10 Gb Ethernet to compete with ATM and SONET opens up a market that has never been available to Ethernet. In 2000, combined ATM and SONET revenues were almost $21 billion. In 2004, the combined market will be $40 billion. However, the intro- duction of Ethernet could change these numbers drastically. From a Downloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved. Any use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website. Configuring SANs: Dos and Don ts Chapter 4 72 revenue standpoint, the overall size of the WAN infrastructure mar- ket could fall as less-expensive Ethernet equipment floods the mar- ket. However, equipment shipment numbers could rise due to its low cost and ability to provide the extra bandwidth needed for QoS and easy provisioning. Refer to Figure 4-16 for a combined ATM and SONET market comparison. The next 5 years will be interesting ones for the Ethernet world. 10 Gb Ethernet has the LAN locked up. The MAN space is already taking on overtones of the LAN battle part II. It seems that the LAN mindset is working just fine in the MAN space despite MAN s WAN roots. The WAN is where true magic may happen. 10 Gb Ethernet s use of SONET framing in the WAN physical layer asynchronous Ethernet interface sets the stage for 10 Gb Ethernet compatibility with all the traditional carriers legacy equipment. This optional WAN physical layer interface includes a simple, inexpensive SONET framer; it operates at a data rate compatible with the payload rate of OC-192c/SDH VC-4-64c. There are significant invested interests in SONET and ATM, so don t expect these technologies to go down without a fight. It is true that 10 Gb Ethernet has speed (100 Gb Ethernet could be a reality in as little as 4 years), price, simplicity, SONET compat- COMBINED ATM AND SONET/SDH MARKET 2000 & 2004 Figure 4-16 SONET versus ATM $40 $30 $20 $10 $0 2000 2001 ATM SONET/SDH Downloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill (www.digitalengineeringlibrary.com) Copyright © 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved. Any use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website. Configuring SANs: Dos and Don ts Configuring SANs: Dos and Don'ts 73 ibility, and widespread industry support from LAN and WAN ven- dors. What it does not have is true QoS, provisioning, or the long- haul ranges of SONET. The current advantages of 10 Gb Ethernet are almost the same as the strengths that enabled Ethernet to win over the LAN. These
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