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muscles straining to pull the doors open. Risteard escorted them into a lavishly decorated room. Huge tapestries depicting different events covered the mirrored black walls. Along one wall, a huge fireplace stood empty. Over the mantle of it was another tapestry. The figure of two men stood side by side. One slightly older than the other. In the picture, they each held a bloody sword and the area around them was littered with the remains of dead warriors. It wasn t something Star would want hanging in her living room but since this wasn t her house she wouldn t say anything. Instead, she continued her observation of the room. Windows from floor to ceiling graced the west wall. Heavy curtains were pulled back with thick ropes of silver and gold. A large round table that could sit at least a dozen men sat near the center of the room. Two large, silver couches with twin matching chairs were arranged in front of the vacant fireplace. Six matching end tables made of the black stone sat on each end of the furniture. Risteard stood to one side as they entered. The moment Star walked by him, he reached out to touch her hair. She turned when she felt the slight tug on her hair but relaxed when she saw he was looking at the strands he had gathered with a fascinated expression. She was used to people doing the same thing when the circus used to tour Asia and parts of the Middle East. Jazin carefully pulled Star away but the Grand Ruler wasn t finished with his analysis of her hair. He followed them into the room touching the silky wave repeatedly until Jazin reached out and gripped his wrist. A member of Risteard s elite guard stepped forward at the violation to his ruler. Risteard studied Jazin s taunt face for a moment before he flicked his hand, dismissing his guards. Risteard tilted his head ever so slightly to let Jazin know he understood silent warning before he walked over to where Ajaska, Torak, and River sat at the end of the table. Jazin placed his hand protectively on Star s lower back and guided her away from the huge blue leader toward the two couches where Gril and Madas sat. What did you think of Risteard? She asked quietly as she sat down on the plush couch. A low rumble escaped Jazin before he could stop it as his gaze flickered to the Elpidios ruler who was speaking intensely with his father. What did he think of the Grand Ruler? He was seriously thinking of killing the bastard! That was what he was thinking. Risteard had taken every opportunity he could to touch Star s soft hair as they came in. The bastard didn t even tried to make it appear as if it was an accident. After the fifth time his hand reached out to touch a strand, Jazin had enough and gripped his wrist in warning. He had finally moved to sit next to Ajaska but his eyes kept returning to Star s hair. She is a very unique female, is she not? Ajaska asked Risteard when he saw the male s eyes drift back to where his little daughter sat on the couch with her mate. My apologies, Risteard murmured with a slight twist to his lips at the understatement. I have never seen this color before and find it fascinating. Is it common among their species? River giggled as she heard the quietly spoken words and responded for Ajaska who looked to her for guidance. It is fairly common. We have all different color hair. While mine is a dark brown, Star and Jo have an almost white-blond. Our friend Ricki has blond hair too but it is more of a honey blond. Others have black or red hair. Even those can vary greatly. The way you were reacting reminded me of the time we were in Turkey. Star, Jo, and Ricki almost didn t make it out of Istanbul. Do you remember that, Star? Star laughed as she nodded her head. Ricki ended up buying head scarves for all of us so we could get out of the market without being mugged or kidnapped. The people that live in that area have dark hair like you so when they saw us it was like sending up a flashing light saying foreigners! . There is a third female? She is the a warrior like yourself? Risteard asked with an intense look of interest in his eyes. Lady Jo is my son Manota s mate, Ajaska said in quiet warning at the interest that flashed through Risteard s eyes. Who is this Ricki? Risteard asked cautiously as a feeling of unease began to grow deep inside him. Ricki is the Empress of Organization! River laughed. If you need something done, have a challenge that seems impossible to conquer or need to find something she is the one who can do it. That is an understatement! Star said with a shake of her head. If you need a miracle she is the one to pull it off for you. I ve never seen anyone accomplish some of the things she has with just a few taps of her fingers. She is pure magic. I hope we get to spend some time with her once she gets here, River said. But, knowing Ricki,
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