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Sorry, I should have picked up on that sooner. So Reva took her revenge out on R. J. by refusing to reveal his son s whereabouts. No! she cried, taken aback, eyes wide in shock. That s not how it was at all! I thought giving up her only grandchild would kill her. It nearly did. But she made the sacrifice because he deserved two responsi ble adult parents. What chance would he have had with a teenage mother and a playboy who denied being his father? She couldn t bear to watch Kaithlin sacrifice every thing to raise a child alone. She had tried it, did every thing any woman could do, and failed. She spent hours with the priest, seeking the strength and courage to give him away. He said adoption was best. But she could have forced R. J. to pay child sup port. Hired a lawyer, called the Jordans . . . Myrna shook her head as she poured steaming water over fresh tea bags in cups for us both. It was chamomile. The law didn t work for her, and she knew it wouldn t for Kaithlin. The Jordans were too power ful. She tried to talk to R. J., but he was crude and hu miliated her. She had her pride. She always made her own way and never asked for help. It broke her heart to lose him, but Reva said her grandson went to a wonder ful home. I stared down at my notebook. But if it wasn t re venge, why wouldn t she help them find him? Because, by the time R. J. changed his mind, there YOU ONLY DIE TWICE 181 was no baby anymore, she said indignantly. He would have been a little boy in school. Six years old. You don t uproot a child, take him from the only family he knows. You don t do that to the parents who love him. How could Reva let R. J. change his mind on a whim? What if he changed it again later? You can t play with human life that way. So Reva was protecting the boy? Her grandson, at all costs, she said solemnly. She destroyed the paperwork on the adoption so it would never be found. If something happened to her, she didn t want her grandson s life ever disrupted by strangers with briefcases. Later, she suspected that was why R. J. killed Kaithlin, to take her child away, the way he accused her of taking his son. I can t tell you all the times she sat right where you re sitting, crying her eyes out. I closed my eyes as the image evoked a shiver. Do you remember Amy Hastings? I asked. She testified at the trial. Kaithlin s little friend. Myrna nodded. Always had their heads together, whispers and giggles. Not as smart or as pretty as Kaithlin, but she promised she d stay close to Reva afterward, even swore she d be her surrogate daughter, because they d both loved Kaithlin. I thought she might be a comfort, but after the trial Reva never heard from her again. Not a call, not so much as a Christmas card. She was a flighty little thing. Ditzy, if you ask me. I drove along Biscayne Boulevard, bathed in the cozy glow of anti-crime lights, wondering why everyone but 182 EDNA BUCHANAN her own husband felt loyal to Kaithlin. Back at the of fice, I went to the trial transcript and found the address of the condo R. J. had bought for Dallas Suarez, the mistress who later testified against him. Beachfront, in Key Biscayne. No phone listed for her there, or any where else in Miami-Dade. The high-flying adven turess and flight instructor could be anywhere by now, I thought. Her public image at the time of the trial was that of a sensation seeker, an expert pilot, diver, and skier who also thrived on the thrills of illicit romance. I got out the trusty city directory. The building had only twenty-five units on five floors. I lied through my teeth, posing as an old friend in search of a long-lost chum. She s my neighbor! trilled the first woman I spoke to. She s still here! Married now, to a lovely guy. Lives here with her husband. Want me to tell her you called? No, please don t. I checked the time. Too late to drop by tonight. I want to surprise her. I called Eunice, but her answering service picked up. I left messages for her and R. J., then addressed an en velope to Myrna Lewis. Before dropping the photo of little Kaithlin and her mother in the outgoing mail, I again studied Reva Warren s solemn face and plain ap pearance, in contrast to Kaithlin s lively beauty and mischievous charm. Who would believe they were mother and daughter? When had I thought that before? I checked my mailbox and found a copy of the art department s sketch of Kaithlin, along with a glossy
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