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up to my nipple, where he began suckling in a way that made me afraid to move because I didn t want him to stop. All of a sudden he scooped me up and headed for the bathroom. He set me down, turned on the wonderful multiple shower jets, and pulled me under its soothing warmth with him. It was heavenly, and then he kissed me again, and his tongue was doing the Tango down my throat, teasing mine to respond, and it did I did. I grabbed hold of that hard thing that never seemed to be anything else but rock hard and ready. And then & and then I touched his smooth, sculptured chest and my heart pounded and my head warned me that I was falling too hard, too fast & It was so much later when I finally demanded, Food & coffee & come on, let s go raid the kitchen. I think I will eat everything in sight. He threw on his velvety dark green robe and handed me a soft white one that hung around my ankles. I tied it in place, and hand in hand we went down to the kitchen. I was downing my second cup of coffee when the phone rang. He put down his mug and, frowning, mumbled, Who can that be? I could see that he thought it was a business call and that he would rather have let it go. I waved him to go ahead and get it. He did, and I watched his happy face turn grim. And what would ye be wanting with her, Roland? He listened for a moment and came to me with the phone. Roland for you & he says it s important. Gone was the youthful joy I had been privileged to see in his eyes, only moments ago. Now I frowned. I had a bad feeling about this. Why would Roland be calling me? I took the receiver and said as lightly as I could, Hi, Ro, what s up? I listened to his story. He had acquired an unknown painting by the Dutch artist Ruisdael from the 1600s. The name was nearly obliterated, but there was no doubt it was a Ruisdael. However, time had left its mark, and it needed restoration. The painting was called Dragon Dance. He wanted to know if I would meet him at his cottage and have a look at it. He needed this favor, as he intended to start up his own gallery since Bantry had given him the boot without notice. I listened to his hurried conversation. There was something there that did not ring true. I couldn t say what and I couldn t say why I felt that way, but all my senses were on the alert. Hell no, I wasn t going to his cottage. But & a Ruisdael, my inner voice objected. The prospect of examining a rare Ruisdael was too exciting to pass up. Roland had in his possession an unknown piece by an artist whose work I greatly admired. How could I not have a look at it? Roland, I am planning to go into Killarney this afternoon to collect some supplies I need. If you like you can meet me in town and show me the painting while I am there. I heard the hesitation in Roland s sigh. I could tell that he didn t like this arrangement, and he made another mild attempt to get me to his place. Willow, I don t like traveling about with this piece. As you know it is extremely valuable. Look I am not so far out of town and not at all out of the way of Bantry & are you sure you couldn t swing by? It sounded harmless enough, but my gut was shouting at me. Gee, Roland, I am so sorry, but I am on a tight schedule today. Just keep it crated, and it won t come to any harm. He answered, Okay then, why don t we do this: we can meet on the corner of the Red Bull & how does that sound? Fine, near the Red Bull then, I answered. I put the phone down on the table and looked up to find Shayne s eyes scanning my face as though he were trying to read my mind. I smiled reassuringly at him. He says he has a painting he wants me to look at. Apparently he means to start up a business of his own because you fired him. Looks like you are going to have a little competition going on in the neighborhood. I teased to lighten the moment. Shayne snorted. Fired him? He is lucky I didn t kill him. Competition? I wouldn t have minded that if that was what this was all about, but I don t believe it. What then is it, Shayne? I frowned to myself over the matter. He shook his head. I m not sure. Roland is up to something, and it isn t anything honest or ambitious like starting up a reputable firm. Roland is always about instant gratification. Shayne pulled at his lower lip, and I had the sudden urge to nip him there. There is something more to this than meets the eye that you can depend on. Roland has been sending me on wild goose chases while he searched for a Relic he knows I am desperately attempting to acquire. Shayne shook his head. While I don t expect that he should feel himself beholden to me in any way, I do expect some level of loyalty from the people who work for me. Again that shake of his oh so handsome head. No & Roland is up to something, but I m damned if I know what it is. Well, okay. I could see that Shayne actually hadn t a clue about Roland s
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