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I hope your day went well. Mine was of the generic sort lots of errands and admin stuff to do. I don t believe we went into our whereabouts at all, but I live in rural New Mexico VERY rural New Mexico about twenty miles from the nearest town and three miles from my closest neighbor. I love it out here, especially at night when it s quiet and calm cities make my skin crawl. Too many people coming at you from all different directions and not enough room to fend off an attack. You gave me a description of what type of man you would need in order to be sexually adventurous. Is the description the same for what you would be looking for in a dominant? Have you ever been spanked or disciplined before in any way? If so, please tell me how it doesn t have to be long or drawn out just the basics is fine. Well, I ve taken up enough of your time. Hope your writing is going well. Hawk Maura read the letter over several times. She couldn t find any spelling errors in it at all. He hadn t asked her for any information about herself, really, just volunteered a bit about himself. How extraordinary. All in all, she was extremely intrigued. Hawk: (a romance-novel-hero nickname if ever I heard one! J) No, Elizabeth is not my real name. I ve been chatting on the Internet long enough that I pretty much never give anyone my real name. Nope, you can harp on me all you like. I ll just ignore you . . . And I am NEVER bratty in the least. Nyah! My day was boring, as usual write, write, write working and slaving my fingers to the bone over a hot word processor . . . I generally try to get 4000 words done a day . . . I don t always meet my goal, but pretty much I do. I live in NM, also, although in a much more populated area than you.Simon sat at his own computer in his spacious, open office and read her reply. He had done a little judicious investigating, and he already knew that Elizabeth was Maura s middle name, and he knew that she lived in a lower middle class section of Albuquerque but that she was born in Wells, Maine; he knew her birthday was July fifteenth and that she d told him her real age. Simon had her social security number and the Isaac score on her credit rating. He knew she d been married once when she was nineteen, divorced at twenty-two 24 the typical starter marriage. Hell, he even had someone faxing him her DMV photo. Sometimes it paid to be a former spy . . . It was a damned good thing for her that he was one of the good guys or he could have had a lot of fun with identity theft, or stalking. I don t much worry about being attacked, and I like things to be convenient shopping, movies, dinners out . . . stuff like that. My house is small, but it s all mine and I love it, and it s not in too bad a neighborhood. From what he could tell of the physical description of her in her medical records, and where she lived, she needed to be a lot more concerned about being attacked. She was only about five foot three and a little over a hundred and thirty pounds. Pretty much any man who wanted to could pick her up and move her around any time he liked, and her neighborhood leaned much more towards bad than good. Simon frowned deeply at the thought of some guy manhandling her. He didn t like that idea at all. He remembered something from their chat, and pulled up the file he d saved, scrolling back through it. There it was. She d mentioned having to fend men off when she d gone to her car after meeting them. He shook his head, already starting to worry about her, and he hadn t even met her. You asked if my qualifications for a dominant would be the same as the ones I d given you for someone I d be willing to be adventurous with, and, yes, they are. I mean, to me, being with one s dom would be the safest one could hope to be besides, perhaps, being in one s mother s arms. The essence of a dominant/submissive relationship is not the giving or receiving of pain or pleasure, it s the mutual exchange of trust and exploration adventure (within agreed upon limitations, of course). That was wonderfully put, and exactly his own feelings but he also firmly believed that the dom was in charge of the limitations to a large extent. Spanked? Yes, I ve been spanked before one of my boyfriends was very into spanking, which was great as far as I was concerned. If the rest of the relationship had held together, he would have been darned near the perfect dom for me. I am assuming that you are also into discipline? You certainly do come across as dominant as though a SEAL was going to be the submissive sort NOT . I have to compliment you on your chat manners, however they re impressive. Well, time to go make dinner the dog is eying my leg and drooling . . . Take care. Elizabeth They corresponded off and on for several months, and met online occasionally to chat. Elizabeth was pleasantly surprised that he did not try to move right in, as some on-line doms did, and attempt to assume control of everything about her life when he really knew nothing about her life or what she needed to do in it. He never flooded her email with twenty or thirty messages filled with inane ranting in fact he was almost relentlessly on-topic; his messages short and concise but very pointed and even somewhat sharp. The words unforgiving and unrelenting came to mind when she read his prose. They had
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Długi język ma krótkie nogi. Krzysztof Mętrak Historia kroczy dziwnymi grogami. Grecy uczyli się od Trojan, uciekinierzy z Troi założyli Rzym, a Rzymianie podbili Grecję, po to jednak, by przejąć jej kulturę. Erik Durschmied A cruce salus - z krzyża (pochodzi) zbawienie. A ten zwycięzcą, kto drugim da / Najwięcej światła od siebie! Adam Asnyk, Dzisiejszym idealistom Ja błędy popełniam nieustannie, ale uważam, że to jest nieuniknione i nie ma co się wobec tego napinać i kontrolować, bo przestanę być normalnym człowiekiem i ze spontanicznej osoby zmienię się w poprawną nauczycielkę. Jeżeli mam uczyć dalej, to pod warunkiem, że będę sobą, ze swoimi wszystkimi głupotami i mądrościami, wadami i zaletami. s. 87 Zofia Kucówna - Zdarzenia potoczne |